E Safety and Acceptable Internet Use Policy
Table Of Contents
The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis unless circumstances arise requiring the policy to be reviewed earlier.
Planned review: February 2026
E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy for Alternative Provision
This policy outlines expectations for the safe and responsible use of technology, ensuring a secure learning environment for all students at [School Name].
Key Points:
- Phone Use:
All students’ mobile phones will be securely locked away for the duration of each session to prevent misuse and ensure focus on learning. - Acceptable Use of Technology:
- Students must use technology, including school devices, in a respectful and responsible manner.
- Online activity should be appropriate, and students should avoid accessing inappropriate content.
- Cyberbullying, harassment, and any form of abusive online behavior will not be tolerated.
- Internet Access:
- Internet access provided by the school is for educational purposes only.
- Access to social media, gaming, or non-educational websites is prohibited during school hours.
- Monitoring:
All use of school devices and internet access will be monitored to ensure compliance with this policy. - Reporting Concerns:
Students should report any inappropriate online behavior or e-safety concerns to a member of staff immediately. - Consequences of Misuse:
Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action, which may include restricted access to technology or other sanctions.
The safety and well-being of students are a priority. By adhering to this policy, students help maintain a secure and productive learning environment.
E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy for Limitless Training Club Alternative Provision
This policy outlines expectations for the safe and responsible use of technology by both students and staff, ensuring a secure and respectful learning environment at LTC.
Key Points:
- Phone Use (Students):
- All students’ mobile phones will be securely locked away for the duration of each session to prevent misuse and ensure focus on learning.
- Acceptable Use of Technology (Students):
- Students must use technology, including LTC devices, in a respectful and responsible manner. This will be kept to a minimum as sessions are practical.
- Online activity should be appropriate, and students should avoid accessing inappropriate content.
- Cyberbullying, harassment, or any form of abusive online behaviour will not be tolerated and any incidences will be dealt with in-line with LTC’s behaviour policy.
- Acceptable Use of Staff Devices:
- Staff must use and their personal devices for work-related purposes only during AP hours.
- Staff are prohibited from sharing images or personal information about students on social media platforms without explicit consent from parents.
- Staff will not communicate directly with students via any device.
- Internet Access:
- Internet access provided by LTC is for educational purposes only.
- Access to social media, gaming, or non-educational websites is prohibited during AP hours for both students and staff.
- Reporting Concerns:
- Students and staff should report any inappropriate online behavior or e-safety concerns to a member of staff immediately.
- Consequences of Misuse:
- Any breach of this policy by students or staff will result in disciplinary action, which may include restricted access to technology or other appropriate sanctions.
The safety and well-being of both students and staff are a priority. By adhering to this policy, we ensure a secure and productive learning environment where technology is used responsibly and appropriately.